Muna Kalati is relaunching the publishing of its magazine, African Children Book News dedicated to industry news, book reviews, interviews and analysis on children’s literature in Africa.
At Muna Kalati, we aim to enhance the visibility of African children’s books through research, training, and advocacy. As such, we welcome contributions from book enthusiasts, researchers, writers, publishers, librarians, illustrators and more. The theme for the 6 edition of the magazine is the .
We are excited to announce that we are currently accepting entries for our magazine, African Children Book News and we welcome any of the following contributions:

Trends in the children’s book industry
Reading initiatives
Strategies to boost access to children’s books
Tips on enhancing writing skills
Contributions from publishing houses
Proceeding from conferences
Research findings on the state of the children’s book industry
Book Reviews
Literary creations
We require that articles are original and have a word count of 500 to 1500 words. Please attach a brief bio of between 50 to 100 words to your submission. We look forward to receiving your submissions. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2024.
To submit your work, please send it as a Word document to and cc: