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All summer long, "Comics’’ portray the famous scriptwriters of the 9th art. Episode 3: Appollo, son of Africa and islander.

Writer's picture: Muna KalatiMuna Kalati

The boy was born in Carthage, before his family moved to Reunion Island. For the Creole world with which he has an intense relationship, he wrote La Grippe coloniale, converted into images by Serge Huo-Chao-Si. The first volume will be awarded by the grand prize of the ACBD critics, the association of specialized journalists.

Appollo : his artist name is already a journey

Then came Ile Bourbon 1730, drawn by Lewis Trondheim, and Chroniques du léopard, a story in which he and the cartoonist Téhem portrayed the students who attended the Leconte-de-Lisle high school in Saint-Denis in 1942. His colleague Loo Hui Phang had selected Appollo last March, in the large exhibition that the Angoulême Festival had commissioned to illustrate the profession of scriptwriter.

"With Appollo, the way of seeing things changes. Only an islander can shift our view of the world in this way and to this extent."

The scriptwriter Loo Hui Phang

The work ‘The Desolation’’ takes us to the southern lands. Drawn by Christophe Gaultier, the comic book is published by Dargaud.

Now a French teacher, Appollo has traveled around Africa, settling in Kinshasa and Angola. In Nigeria too. To talk about North Africa, he refers back to Antiquity. It resulted in Les Voleurs de Carthage, with the artist Tanquerelle. The contemporary history will give Colonial Commando with Brüno, a jeep ride in the middle of the Sahara desert, alongside the men of the Free French.

With the same artist, the comic T'Zee has just been published, an African tragedy, the fall of a dictator in which we can recognize Marshal Mobutu. The scriptwriter imagined it on the model of Phèdre, the play in five acts by Racine. The French teacher is never far away. The cartoonist Brüno.

"In Appollo, there is a form of melancholy tinged with humor. The seriousness of the subject matter is presented in a somewhat subterranean way."

the cartoonist Brüno

The gravity of classical tragedy permeates this impressive fable about a very dark Africa, off the tourist trail. T'Zee, by Brüno and Appollo, published by Dargaud.


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